Russian media said today that Ivan Kaspersky, the son of the founder of the company and site Kasprisky, Eugene Kasprisky, has been released today and arrested five of the perpetrators of a failed kidnapping. According to the Interfax news agency, was launched Asrah young (20 years) without a ransom, was kidnapped after leaving his home for a few days ago, and the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $ 4.5 million from his father, company founder Kasprisky the famous Anti-Virus. The Kasprisky set of advanced software for protection from viruses, all driven by the price but not free, and that the user was given a 30-day trial software for free, before you buy.
The spokesperson said the company, based in Moscow at a later time, that the son of the founder of the company, was abducted Tuesday morning on his way to work in a company InfoWatch, a company owned by his mother, Natalya Kaspersky, and abducted Gtsaloa his father and demanded a ransom of $ 4.5 million for release.
It opens this incident a lot of speculation about the guerrilla war that could erupt between the major technology companies, especially after it became the billions in profits and not Balmlaeyen, can be transformed to the news pages of technical incidents soon?
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