Saturday, February 4, 2012

another high-resolution released by NASA of the Earth, this time showing Africa and Asia

A short while back NASA released a nice high-resolution image of the Earth as taken from space. That image, which was dubbed as the Blue Marble 2012 was released on Flickr in various resolutions including 640 x 640 and 1024 x 1024 as well as the super large 8000 x 8000. That previous image showed the Earth with North and South America front and center. And well, it looks like NASA has since released a second image. This latest comes similar to the previous in that it was released in various resolutions. The key here, this latest image is showing the Earth with Africa and Asia showing. Lastly, the above image comes as the 640 x 640 and you can follow the link below to grab some higher-resolutions — and just for reference, the 1024 x 1024 works rather nicely on the iPad.
Via [Flickr (NASA Goddard Photo and Video)]


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